Transforming human chemistry in STEM
[def different banner photo]
Meet Liane Siu Slaughter, Ph.D.
Coach, mentor, and science writer
[PLACE HOLDER - will write in first person]
[Might be good to have a different portrait here, considering the colors]

Experience at a glance
A powerful combination
[these lists look messy on desktop because they're different lengths, but OK on mobile ]
  • Education
    • B.A. in chemistry from Cornell University, USA
    • Ph.D. in chemistry from Rice University, USA
    • Thesis research specialized in nanotechnology and spectroscopy
    • Industry internships at L'Oreal USA and Polysciences, Inc.
  • Experience
    • Postdoc at University of California Los Angeles, USA
    • Visiting scientist at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
    • Research assistant professor for biotechnology at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • 17 years living and working in higher education on 3 continents
    • Co-authored over 20 scientific publications
    • Authored and contributed to dozens of science writing projects - see public portfolio [hyperlink]
  • Training
    • Over 80 course hours of coach specific training accredited by the International Coaching Federation
    • Member of International Coaching Federation and Hong Kong International Coaching Community
    • Over 200 hours of coaching clients in graduate applications, leadership, teamwork, productivity, well-being, and effective communication
  • Perspective
    • Champion for health, wellness, and good habits
    • Avid hiker and nature lover
    • Explorer of new places, cultures, languages, and ideas
    • Life-long musician and dancer
    • Facilitator for awareness-raising movement practice
How did i get here?
[A history showcasing photos of my beginnings as a scientist -
The story will include what was important to me, what made me happy on the job, why that led me to become a coach and writer]
My approach
[Talk about my approach to service using language of the Explorer archetype.
Hyperlink to the different services. We will do no more than 4 right now.
  • PhD applications
  • Workshops
  • Content
  • Personal coaching]
    Organizations I have served include:
    [replace logos below with: BGI, HKGP, Crystallize Consulting, Nature Masterclasses, HKLSS, HKU, CUHK, and any more]
    What my clients say
    [A BLOCK for the CTA - Can copy from another page]
    [We probably don't need another block. Just the footer will be enough.
    Can you think of another block needed to complete the story?]